Student Guardian visa (subclass 590)

 Are you a parent or a relative of a child who wishes to study in Australia? If so, the Student Guardian Visa (Subclass 590) might be the right option for you. This visa allows you to stay in Australia as the guardian of an international student who is under 18 or needs support due to exceptional circumstances. As a student guardian, you will be responsible for the welfare and accommodation of the student, ensuring that they are well-cared for and supported during their studies. While the visa does not permit the holder to work in Australia, it allows them to study for up to three months. This visa is suitable for parents, relatives, or custodians who wish to accompany their children or dependents to Australia and ensure their safety and welfare during their education.

What is the Student Guardian visa (subclass 590)

What is the Student Guardian visa (subclass 590)?

The Student Guardian visa (subclass 590) is a temporary visa that allows a parent or guardian to stay in Australia to provide care and support to a student visa holder who is under 18 years of age or over 18 years with special needs. This visa allows the guardian to stay in Australia for the same duration as the student visa holder's course of study. In this way, the subclass 590 visa supports international students in Australia by providing a means for their parents or guardians to be with them during their studies.

The Student Guardian visa (subclass 590) is not a study visa and does not allow the holder to undertake any formal study or training in Australia. It also does not allow the holder to work in Australia unless they have been granted permission to work as a condition of their visa. Furthermore, the visa does not provide a pathway to permanent residency in Australia.

What are the benefits of Student Guardian visa?

The Student Guardian visa allows you to stay in Australia as a guardian to take care of a student who is studying in Australia. Here are some benefits of this visa:

  • Stay with your child: If your child is studying in Australia, the Student Guardian visa allows you to stay with them while they complete their studies. This can provide you with peace of mind and the opportunity to support your child during their studies.
  • Study opportunities: As a holder of the Student Guardian visa, you can undertake some studies in Australia for up to three months. This can provide you with an opportunity to improve your skills and knowledge while you support your child.
  • Work opportunities: While you cannot work in Australia on this visa, you are allowed to engage in some volunteer work or unpaid work related to your child's studies.
  • Travel opportunities: You can travel in and out of Australia as many times as you want while your visa is valid. This can allow you to travel back to your home country or visit other countries while you are in Australia.
  • Health insurance: As a condition of the visa, you must have adequate health insurance for the duration of your stay in Australia. This can give you peace of mind knowing that you will be covered for any medical expenses that may arise during your stay.
  • Pathway to other visas: The Student Guardian visa holder may be eligible for other visas such as the Temporary Skill Shortage visa (subclass 482) or the Temporary Work (International Relations) visa (subclass 403) if they have relevant skills and qualifications.

As a Student Guardian visa holder, your primary role is to provide care and support for a student visa holder who is under 18 years of age, or over 18 in exceptional circumstances. You may also be allowed to care for more than one student, as long as you are able to provide adequate care and support to each student.

While you are in Australia on a Student Guardian visa, you may be able to study an English Language Intensive Course for Overseas Students (ELICOS) for less than 20 hours per week, or any other study or training for no more than 3 months. This can be a good opportunity to improve your English skills or gain new knowledge in a particular area. However, you are not permitted to work while on this visa. Therefore, if you are planning to work in Australia, it may not be the right visa for you.

Who can be guardian for student in Australia?

According to the Department of Home Affairs in Australia, a parent, a person who has custody of the student, or a relative who is at least 21 years old and nominated in writing by a parent or person who has custody of the student can be a guardian for a student in Australia. The guardian must provide care and support for the student, and be able to provide accommodation, general welfare, and support to the student. The guardian must also have enough money to cover their own expenses as well as the expenses of the student they are responsible for, and maintain adequate health insurance for the duration of their stay in Australia. Additionally, the guardian must meet the requirements for a visa to enter Australia as a guardian.

Can both parents apply for student guardian visa?

Yes, both parents can apply for a student guardian visa to accompany their child who is studying in Australia. However, it's important to note that each application will be assessed individually, and each parent must meet the eligibility requirements on their own. Both parents will also need to provide evidence that they are able to provide accommodation, general welfare and support to the student, and have enough money to cover their own costs and expenses, as well as those of the student. Additionally, they will need to meet health and character requirements, and demonstrate that they are genuine temporary entrants who intend to stay in Australia temporarily.

It's important to carefully consider whether both parents need to come to Australia as guardians, as it can be expensive and may not be necessary. Additionally, it's important to ensure that the parents have adequate financial resources to support themselves and the student during their stay in Australia.

Before making any decisions, I would recommend that both parents seek professional advice from a registered migration agent or the Australian Department of Home Affairs to ensure that they fully understand the visa requirements and any potential issues that may arise. This can help them make an informed decision about the best way to proceed.

What are the requirements for Student Guardian visa?

The requirements for the Student Guardian visa are important to understand if you are considering applying for this visa. Firstly, you must have a certain visa and can apply for the visa in or outside Australia. However, you cannot apply for this visa if you hold certain visas such as Domestic Worker (Temporary) Diplomatic and Consular visa (subclass 426), Diplomatic (Temporary) visa (subclass 995) – primary visa holder only, and Visitor visa (subclass 600) in the Sponsored Family stream or in the Approved Destination Status stream.

Secondly, you must be a parent, a custodian or a relative of the student who is aged 21 years or older and nominated in writing by a parent or person who has custody of the student. You will provide care and support for the student who is under 18 years of age or 18 years of age or older and needs care and support due to exceptional circumstances.

Thirdly, you must be able to provide accommodation, general welfare, and support to the student. You must also have enough money to pay for your stay in Australia for meeting the costs and expenses of yourself, your accompanying family members, and the student visa holder.

Fourthly, if any member of your family unit has not turned 6, you cannot be granted the visa unless there are compelling and compassionate reasons or granting the visa would significantly benefit the relationship between the Australian Government and the government of another country.

Fifthly, you must make adequate arrangements for the accommodation, support, and welfare of any member of your family who is not coming with you to Australia and is under 18 years of age and does not have a Student visa.

Sixthly, you must have adequate health insurance for the whole of your stay in Australia. Medical insurance helps limit your financial liability. Your insurance should cover you for medically necessary treatment, including transport.

Seventhly, you must only intend to stay temporarily in Australia and do the things you are allowed to do on this visa. You must have substantially complied with the conditions of the last substantive or subsequent bridging visa that you held.

Lastly, you and any family members who apply for the visa with you must meet our health and character requirements. Understanding these requirements and ensuring that you meet them can help you to have a smooth and successful application process for the Student Guardian visa.

How the guardian can apply for a Subclass 590 visa?

To apply for a Subclass 590 visa, the guardian must follow these steps:

  • Check eligibility: The first step is to check if you meet the eligibility criteria for the visa. The requirements include having a certain visa, being a parent, custodian or relative of the student, providing care and support for the student, having enough money to support yourself and the student, having adequate health insurance, and meeting the character and health requirements.
  • Gather documents: The next step is to gather all the required documents for the visa application. These documents may include your passport, proof of financial support, proof of health insurance, and a statement of purpose.
  • Lodge the application: Once you have all the required documents, you can lodge the visa application online through the Department of Home Affairs website. You will need to pay the application fee, which is currently AUD 620, and provide all the necessary information and documents.
  • Wait for processing: After submitting the application, you will need to wait for the visa to be processed. The processing time can vary depending on various factors, such as the complexity of your case and the number of applications being processed.
  • Receive the visa: If your visa application is approved, you will receive the visa grant notice. The visa will have the conditions and the date of expiry, and it will allow you to enter and stay in Australia as a student guardian.

It's important to note that the Subclass 590 visa has certain restrictions, such as not allowing you to work in Australia. Therefore, it's important to carefully consider your financial situation and plan accordingly before applying for this visa.

Final thought

In conclusion, the Student Guardian visa (subclass 590) is an excellent option for parents, guardians, or relatives who want to provide care and support to a student visa holder in Australia. However, applicants need to meet specific eligibility requirements, including being able to provide accommodation, general welfare, and support to the student, having enough money for their stay, and meeting health and character requirements.

Therefore, if you are considering applying for the Student Guardian visa (subclass 590), it is essential to carefully review the eligibility requirements, gather all the necessary documentation, and seek the advice of an immigration professional if needed. With proper planning and preparation, the Student Guardian visa can be a great opportunity for you to stay in Australia and support your loved one's education.

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